Article count3 Determination Of Character Name The character name can not be used again even if the character is deleted. 2020. 4. 3. Customization There are three types of customization. If you are satisfied with the current customization regardless of the preset/simple transformation/detailed transformation method used, you can complete the character creation through the completion button at the bottom by clicking “Preset” > “Simple Transformation” > Detailed Transformation at the top. Preset: Selecting an already completed customization... 2020. 4. 3. Race, Gender And Class Settings If you haven't created a character yet, you can proceed to create one immediately after choosing a faction. If you have already set up an account name, then you can proceed to select a faction, and creating a character. You can create a new character by clicking on the empty slot in the character selection window. When creating a character you have to select a race, gender, and class before cust.. 2020. 4. 3. Previous 1 Next