Article count6 Usage of Mech If you right-click on the Mech that's been completed in your inventory (I), the Mech will be registered in the Mech management window. → From the main menu, select "Mech". → Mech: Summon the Mech to board in the management window. → To summon a Mech, you need an armor power source. → Mech Types: There are differences in the type and number of Mechs depending on their class. The players will some.. 2020. 4. 5. Material Acquisition Method If you clear certain dungeons above level 41, you can get the materials you need as a reward. Dungeon Names → Challenge Hall / Enhanced Challenge Hall → Cyclops Annihilation / Fluton Repair Shop → Black Apostle's Armory / Immortal Auditorium → The Stagnation of the Fog / The Stagnation of the Fog (Hero) → The secret of Sand Dunes Hill / Ilsa's Nest Some of the materials can either be exchanged f.. 2020. 4. 5. Manufacture of Mech Special Mech and Mech battery packs that can be used in the field can be produced at an airship factory. Production Conditions Faction rebuilding grade and necessary achievement condition Producible goods Deck Wanderer Level 4 Achievement → [Item] Acceptance of Wandering Shipyard → [Reconstruction of Jade] Windy Meadow: Star Collector I Lower parts Lower armor machine Mk-I / II / III Finished pr.. 2020. 4. 5. Mech Summoning Type The summoning of the Mech is divided into general summoning and reinforced summoning. General Summon → Wearing power is consumed and recovered. → The Mech will be summoned as it's corresponding type. (Attack, defense, etc.) Reinforced Summon → Summons and extinguishes a variety of items that can strengthen the Mech and also requires a specified armor power source. → The Mech with the specified e.. 2020. 4. 5. Mech Type General Mech Equipment → Mech equipment that can be worn in various dungeons or the Challenge Hall. It is not a Mech that your character has summoned, but a Mech that is in the system by default. Special Mech Equipment → This is a Mech worn in the open world. → The special Mech can be produced via an airship factory or obtained via ranking reward. 2020. 4. 5. Mech Explanation A Mech is a robot that your character can mount. There are a variety of shapes and each appearance provides various attack systems. There is a difference in performance, such as cooldown time and summoning time, depending on the class of the Mech. 2020. 4. 5. Previous 1 Next