Machine Production |
You can create or order items related to airships and airship production. |
Public Port |
To board an airship, you must use the airship pager at the public port. The public harbor, you can climb through the elevator located in the village. |
Airship Equipment |
It is a part that can be placed on an airship. There are guns and mounts. -Gun: This is an offensive weapon placed on an airship. -Mounting items: Items that can be placed on the deck of the airship. There are many types of airship merchants, automatic guns, collectors, and so on. |
Fuel |
Fuel charging is required to recall or operate an airship. You can charge the fuel in the Airship Management window (Shortcut key: “U”). |
Repair |
You can use the Airship Repair Tool to repair the airship. In the airship management window (Shortcut key: “U”), when the airship is being summoned, you can use the repair tool item after canceling the steering key when the airship is being summoned. |