By default, the chat window is located on the left side of the screen, and you can adjust the size and position.
The "Chat tab" system allows you to quickly view different chats by type.
① Chat window can be locked or unlocked.
② The area where the "Chat tab" is displayed.
③ Button to add a new tab quickly.
④ This is the area where the global chat is displayed. Keep in mind a megaphone item is required in order to use this type of chat. This menu can be folded and expanded.
⑤ You can adjust the chat window size. Click and drag the resize area to resize the chat window.
⑥ Chat area is displayed.
⑦ You can change the chat settings of the current tab.
⑧ You can select chat type and input.
⑨ This area is for entering chat messages.
⑩ Help search, motion/effect, global chat function icon.