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Step-By-Step Quests

by Ayia 2020. 4. 7.

This is a player support group quest for players who arrived in Harth. 

Various types of quests are grouped in stages. 

When you complete the group quest, you will be able to win the next level quest with reward.




1) Step-by-step quests are affected by the progress of local players. 

2) After arriving in Harth, you can check the progress of local content through the pioneering guide at the top of the quest information window. 

3) The step-by-step quest consists of two basic steps and additional steps. For the player who completed the extra step, the final task, the ruling of the ruler, is opened.


Steps To Regional Development



If you unlock the base by completing the quest with a purple marker, you can start the second quest (step 2 pioneering) that's marked with a green quest marker.

※ Depending on the base, you may need to complete the story quest of the yellow quest marker to open the quest for the second stage pioneering support.


Quests marked with a blue marker are repeatable, daily quests.

They will reset every day at 6 o'clock. If you have not completed all of your quest goals, please note that all initials are due at 6 o'clock the next day, and you must start again from the ordering stage!
