Sub-content is a type of content that can be enjoyed relatively lightly.
Collection book and treasure hunts, treasure rooms, world quests, and exploration quests are included in this type of content.
Collection Book
When specific Collection Book items are collected, according to their name, the specific collection is complete, providing character stats, useful effects, or item rewards.
▲ You can check it by clicking on the Collection Book icon on the main menu (ESC).
Items that can be registered in the Collection Book can also be acquired through quests, hunting, dungeons, or collecting and making items.
▲ The effect activated by completing the collection is indicated separately on the right side of the Collection Book.
The effect of the reward is applied as soon as the collection is achieved, but please note that the item reward is paid via the Mail Box.
※ Please note that the registered item disappears from the inventory upon registration and cannot be returned.
Treasure Hunt and Treasure Room
In this content, you can get a clue to the treasure map's location. This clue can be exchanged for a treasure map in the area from Harth Archaeologists at your base.
Treasure Hunt
When you use a purchased treasure map item, the treasure map location is displayed on the World Map.
▲ If the search time is exceeded or the treasure cannot be found within the specified number of search attempts, it fails.
First, you can go to the location shown on the treasure hunt map and try to navigate with the pickaxe tool. The detection radar makes it easier to find the nearby treasure locations by sound.
▲ General treasure detection radar (left) and general treasure hunt pickaxe tool (right).
General treasure hunt search tools are permanently available and can be purchased from merchants.
→ The pickaxe tool and treasure detection radar can search for a wider radius if you use those items of a higher rank. They can be created at the alchemy shelf of the house.
→ Using the pickaxe tool, you can check if a treasure chest is within a certain distance.
→ Radar is a one-time item, which tells you if there is a treasure within a certain distance, and the closer the treasure is, the faster the radar beeps.
Treasure Room
If you use the treasure map, you have a chance to find the door to the treasure room.
Use the golden scroll you get during the quest to enter the treasure room.
▲ A magical door to the treasure room (left) and a panoramic view of the treasure room (right).
When the door to the treasure room appears, press "F" to enter. After entering, you can play one of several games.
Avoiding obstacles to obtain coins or treasure chests or acquire treasures without being noticed by enemies.
There are many other types, such as the one where you have to move to a specific area in a specified time, so if you enter the treasure room, be sure to check out which one it is.
World Quest
World Quests are quests that require the execution of a single mission either alone or in collaboration with others.
You can enjoy a variety of cooperative and competitive content, from fun Mini-Games to PvP.
When a World Quest occurs, an invitation will be sent to the character in your area.
You can also book your favorite World Quest in advance.
▲ On the map (M), you can see the World Quest located at the bottom of the Quest tab.
Players who participate in a World Quest can get rewards depending on their contribution.
The contribution criteria are different for each type.
→ Clash type such as racing: Depending on the number of points obtained.
→ Subjugation type like a boss battle: Tanking, dealing damage, healing performance.
→ Competition type: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
→ Subtraction type: Divided into the best player, the best supporting role, and other grades.
One of the rewards, the World Quest Seal, allows you to purchase style items, onslaught runestones, and equipment items in the Seal Shop.
Exploration Quests
There are structures that stimulate curiosity all over Harth.
While exploring suspicious bushes, machinery, green pots, etc., if you see any suspicious objects, approach them. If you can interact with the target with the "F" key, it is likely an exploration quest.
In addition to the defense type where you protect the target by killing monsters in the exploration quest, there are also fun quests, such as selecting a social motion that matches the NPC's behavior.
▲ Structures of exploration quests located throughout the continent of Harth.
When you complete the exploration quest, you receive experience and gold.
You can also get an expedition logbook that can be registered in the collection book.
Cosmetic Equipment
Regardless of the performance of the equipment worn, you can decorate your character's appearance with cosmetic equipment.
※ You can also purchase various style items at the cosmetic shops of Ontari's Hope Flag Base and Vulpin's Steel Lava Base.
Wearing Position
When you open your Inventory (I), you can view your items, important items, and seals stored.
Note that the cosmetic equipment is classified as an important item.
To explain the functions based on the screenshot above:
→ It can be switched by clicking the Change Equipment / Style Slot button.
→ Select Inventory (I) and check the "Important Items" tab.
→ You can see the cosmetic equipment or quest items at that location.
It's even better with the equipment decorating that will be introduced below.
Decorating Equipment
You can customize your gear. Equipment items and cosmetic items can also be dyed in color or pattern.
▲ Items that can be decorated are marked separately in the durability section.
Even the same equipment item gives a different feeling depending on the color or pattern, so customize it to suit your character.
▲ Elementalist's equipment item. For comparison with the basic color (left end), the other examples are customized with color and pattern.
If you select the equipment decoration menu in the main menu (ESC), you can see the dedicated UI.
You can select the item of the desired part here and experience the changed appearance with a set of colored patterns at once, or you can decorate it by specifying color or pattern one by one.
Appearance Extraction
If you like the appearance of the equipment item you are wearing, you can extract the appearance with the appearance extraction tool and convert it into style equipment.
※ However, equipment that has been extracted will disappear.
Appearance extraction tools are sold by gear traders at the Gear Goods NPC.
Wait! How do I get gear?
→ Gear obtaining method: Can be obtained by solving challenges or by converting gold into gear.
→ Where to use gear: Use it as a currency in exchanges, or purchase useful items in the Auction House.
Then, shall we extract the appearance of the equipment?
▲ If the equipment is equipped with a rune stone, it can be extracted after the runestone is removed.
Appearance Extraction Method
1. Select the appearance extraction from the equipment decoration UI.
2. Drag and drop the equipment piece in order to extract the appearance.
3. Click the "Extract" button.
4. Check the precautions and click the "Yes" button.
※ Note that equipment dyed with color or pattern is also extracted as it is.
Equipment with successful appearance extraction is moved to the "Important Items" tab.
※ Since cosmetic equipment items created by extracting the appearance are not possible to decorate, you should select carefully.