Article count4 Vehicle Performance The performance of the vehicle depends on the item rating, and the higher the basic speed is, the faster the sprint will be. 2020. 4. 5. Vehicle Operation ▲ There is also a ride that increases the amount of recovery of vitality (a necessary resource when collecting). Note, however, that you cannot move after boarding. Right-click on the item in your inventory or register it in the slot and press the slot shortcut in order to board. It is not possible to ride in areas where boarding is impossible. Like characters, you can move and jump with "WASD" .. 2020. 4. 5. Type of Vehicle ▲ Ground rides. 2020. 4. 5. Vehicle Explanation In Elyon: AIR, a vehicle is a generic name of a movement item that a character can board and move with. Please note that you can use the sprint after boarding the vehicle by pressing the forward key (W) twice or pressing "Ctrl" while moving forward (W). ※ Jetboard and tricycle do not have a sprint option, but their basic movement speed is higher when compared to the rest of the ground vehicles. 2020. 4. 5. Previous 1 Next